Senate Bill 9 (SB 9) and Density Exception for RH Districts were passed to create the framework so that homeowners can add more units on their property which would generate more housing units for the residents. What is the difference between the two programs and how homeowners could benefit?

At CityStructure, our vision is a world where every homeowner has a clear understanding of the development potential of their property. This is why we give you free access to the Untapped Development Potential for any property.

The New Four-Unit Density Exception for Residential Districts in San Francisco and SB-9 have a lot of nuances and it is important to get familiar with the details of each one.

We dedicated a full article showing the deference between what you're allowed to build in the residential districts in San Francisco and how the Four-Unit Density Exception overlays on top of the base regulations.    

Here is a comparative diagram between the 2 programs:

Comparative diagram between SB9 and Density Exception in RH districts

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